HOWTO: import old logs in AWStats
AWStats is a great software to analyse Apache logs for having statistics about your sites. Unfortunately it doesn’t offer a tool to import old logs into AWSt...
AWStats is a great software to analyse Apache logs for having statistics about your sites. Unfortunately it doesn’t offer a tool to import old logs into AWSt...
Pretty simple.
If you have a PS with DreamHost and you need to use PostgreSQL as database, you’ll see that’s impossible to login with postgres user and so you won’t able to...
Telnet es una vieja utilidad utilizadas en la red local para proporcionar una comunicación bidireccional orientada a texto usando un terminal. Puede ser util...
Telnet is an old utility used in local network to offer a bidirectional communication text-oriented using a terminal. Can be used also to make an http call t...
A public web server could be reached by many http requests with no user agent. Apache can avoid this kind of requests. The configuration is very straightforw...
Un servidor web publico podria recibir muchas peticiones http que no tienen lo “user agent”. Apache puede evitar este tipologia de peticiones. La configuraci...